Frequently asked questions for on site and distance learning programs.
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On-site programs
How many chaperones do I need?
Chaperones are an important part of every successful Aquarium visit. The Aquarium requires a minimum of one adult for every five students (1:5) for preschool through eighth grade, and one chaperone per 10 students (1:10) for grades 9–12.
Please be mindful of the Aquarium’s capacity constraints by limiting your chaperone attendees to no more than one for every two students (1:2). If your group includes students with 1:1 paraeducators/aides, they will not count toward this maximum.
Please fill out our chaperone sheet and send it to chaperones prior to your visit.
What is the capacity per class?
We require a minimum of 10 students per class and a maximum of 32. If your group has more than 10 chaperones, the remainder will be asked to wait outside and rejoin the group once the class is over, as there is limited space within the classrooms. Please note: At least one teacher must be present for the duration of each classroom program. They will count toward the 10-adult maximum.
Do I have to purchase entry to the new Ocean Pavilion separately?
Nope! Entry to the Ocean Pavilion is included with all Aquarium admission at no additional cost. You can learn more about what to expect from our expanded campus on our Ocean Pavilion webpage.
IMPORTANT: Regardless of group size or which building you plan to enter first, all school groups MUST check in at the Pier 59 Guest Services desk! The Ocean Pavilion Guest Services team cannot process check-ins for school groups. If your group plans to enter Ocean Pavilion first, PLEASE have a lead contact check your group in at Pier 59 before entering the Ocean Pavilion.
What happens after I register?
After booking your program, you will receive a confirmation email, a two-week reminder and more information to help your students prepare for their visit to the Aquarium and class.
How long should I plan to be at the Seattle Aquarium for my field trip?
Classes are approximately one hour long (except Pre-K classes which are 30 minutes in duration). We ask that you arrive at the Aquarium at least 15 minutes prior to your class’s start time. Admission is included with your class, so your group is welcome to explore the habitats before and/or afterward, as long as the time falls within our operating hours.
Where do we enter the Aquarium?
Upon arrival, school groups participating in an on-site class program and/or with a total attendance of more than 50 people will be met by Aquarium staff in the plaza between Pier 59 and the Ocean Pavilion. Please be on the lookout for staff members wearing a blue Seattle Aquarium uniform and meet by the “School Group Waiting Area” A-frame sign. If your group is larger than 50 people, please be prepared to split into smaller groups to be admitted through separate entrances.
Classes scheduled for a 10:15am program MUST enter Pier 59 first to ensure a timely start. Schools on self-guided visits or attending a later class will be guided by staff toward whichever part of the Aquarium currently has the greater capacity for groups. Our campus has limited capacity in each building, so we ask for your patience if your group is unable to explore the Ocean Pavilion first upon arrival.
Where is the bus parking?
As of August 1, 2023, there is a bus loading and unloading zone on Alaskan Way and Lenora Street, north of the Seattle Aquarium near Pier 62. Be aware that the City of Seattle is currently conducting major road construction between Alaskan Way and Western Avenue, which may directly impact parking and loading/unloading, so this is subject to change at any time. Because there is no safe or legal place in front of the Aquarium to idle a car or bus, curbside unloading/loading is not permitted. Failure to comply with this may result in the intervention of law enforcement.
Please contact our registration office at (206) 693-6196 or for the most up-to-date bus parking information.
What if our chaperones are meeting us at the Aquarium in their own vehicle?
If arriving in smaller passenger vehicles, you may park at the Pike Place Market Parking Garage (entrances: 1531 Western Ave. or 1901 Western Ave., Seattle, WA 98101). You can also use an interactive Seattle parking map from SDOT. If you have questions, please visit the directions and parking page to learn more.
What if my group is traveling to the Aquarium in separate vehicles?
Due to limited space inside our lobbies, groups arriving for a field trip under the same organization for a single date and time must either wait outside for their entire group to arrive before entering the Aquarium or be willing to enter as they arrive in smaller subgroups. We do not have the space to allow some members of an organization to gather inside the front doors while they wait for the rest of their party to join. If you are wondering if this applies to you, this is most often the case with homeschool collectives/resource groups, preschools, daycares and some private or online schools.
We understand that inclement weather can make it difficult to wait outside for your entire group. In this case, please consider allowing your group to enter in smaller subgroups as they gather. If you choose to do this, a lead teacher/contact from your school/organization will still need to provide final attendance and payment (if applicable) to our Guest Services desk in Pier 59. If you would prefer to tour the Aquarium as one large group, you can plan to meet somewhere else along the waterfront or in Pike Place Market before walking to the Aquarium together.
Please look for a post-visit survey in your email after your field trip as an opportunity to provide feedback on this new policy. Thanks for your patience and understanding during this exciting transitional year for the Seattle Aquarium!
What are our lunch options?
Consumption of outside food is permitted in two locations on the Aquarium campus: outside on the back deck of Pier 59 or inside Pier 59 along the mural wall of our Life on the Edge tide pool habitat. We request that groups sitting on the floor please keep as close to the wall as possible so other guests can safely move about.
Group snacks/lunches in any other habitats are strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to: Window on Washington Waters, Crashing Waves, Harbor Seals or anywhere in the Ocean Pavilion. Groups may only eat inside the Aquarium café if they purchase food from there.
Where can we store our lunches?
The Aquarium has a storage area for school group lunches. Please ask a staff member during arrival.
Who can I contact if I have questions on accessibility?
Our class registration form includes a space to note any necessary accommodations and questions. Please visit our accessibility page for general Aquarium access. For more information, contact our registrar at (206) 693-6196 or
How do I schedule a school group program?
Classes are available during the school week and are approximately 60 minutes in duration, except for Pre-K classes, which are 30 minutes. All available class times are listed in Pacific Standard Time. Please read our classroom program descriptions prior to submitting a request through our on-site class registration form.
What kind of payments are accepted?
We accept checks, credit cards or a purchase order from your school/facility.
Do you offer scholarship opportunities?
Schools with 40% or more free/reduced lunch participants, ESL/ELL, special education classes or ECEAPs may apply for scholarships.
The scholarship form and/or bus reimbursement form will be emailed to the address you provide. An office administrator’s signature is also required to confirm eligibility.
This form will arrive via a separate email through DocuSign. It should automatically be sent to your office administrator after you complete and sign your sections.
We will reimburse up to $500 per bus, with no cap on the number of buses used. This form will arrive via a separate email through DocuSign after your visit.
What can I do to prepare my students?
Please look over the field trip code of conduct with your students. There will be a time during the program when students can ask questions. Encourage your students to come up with questions to ask the instructor.
Student code of conduct:
O – One gentle finger when touching animals.
R – Respect other guests, Aquarium staff/volunteers and the space (no climbing or unsafe behavior).
C – Caring Cove is off-limits to school groups.
A – Adults must stay with their group of students at all times.
S – Snacks and lunches may only be eaten along the walls of our tide pool habitat.
What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule?
If you need to cancel or change your reservation, contact our registrar at (206) 693-6196 or, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.
What does the teacher need to bring on the day of the visit?
Please bring the confirmation letter (printed or electronic are both acceptable) and payment the day of the visit.
Distance learning programs (virtual classes)
How do I schedule a distance learning program?
Please complete our distance learning request form to schedule a distance learning program.
What happens after I register?
After booking your program, you will receive a confirmation email, a two-week reminder and more information to help your students prepare for their virtual class.
Can I visit the Seattle Aquarium before or after the program?
At this time, Aquarium visits are not included in the cost of distance learning programs. Interested in visiting the Aquarium? Please refer to our self-guided visit page.
What is included in the distance learning programs?
Each virtual class is 45 minutes long, focusing on the marine ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. Many classes include live animal interactions and time for students to ask questions. Program descriptions can be found on our distance learning page.
What is the role of the teacher on the day of the program?
During the program, teachers may be asked to help call on the students, monitor the chat and inform instructors of any technical problems.
What kind of technology do I need in my classroom?
Distance learning classes are typically held over Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Each classroom will need a working microphone and monitor to connect with the Aquarium instructors.
If my students are joining separately, what kind of technology do they need?
To join separately, students will each need their own device to log in to the specified platform (Zoom or Microsoft Teams).
Can I schedule a technology test? What would it involve?
Please contact our registrar at (206) 693-6196 or to schedule a tech test.
Are supplies needed for any of the activities?
No extra supplies are needed for the activities.
If the students have more questions after the program, who can we contact?
We love receiving questions after the program! Please email any questions to our registrar at
What types of payments are accepted?
We accept checks, credit cards or a purchase order from your school/facility. Payment must be processed at least 48 hours prior to your program date.
Do you offer scholarship opportunities?
Schools with 40% or more free/reduced lunch participants, ESL/ELL, special education classes or ECEAPs may apply for a scholarship.
The scholarship form will be emailed to the address you provide. An office administrator’s signature is also required to confirm eligibility.
What can I do to prepare my students?
Encourage your students to ask questions during the program!
What is the maximum number of students that can participate per session?
We require a minimum of 10 students per class and a maximum of 32.
What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule?
If you need to cancel or change your reservation, contact our registrar at (206) 693-6196 or, Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.